  • Finding Light in the Winter Solstice
  • Charla Jones
Finding Light in the Winter Solstice
winter solstice light in the forest

Holiday trappings abound, amidst a sleigh-load of frenzied activities — parties, shopping, and year-end deadlines.

Even if you’ve managed not to get caught up in all the revelry, the looming year’s end has sobering effects, ramping our adrenaline and cortisol production for sure.

But we humans have always celebrated this time of year — and here’s why.

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In just a few short days, like an unassuming stranger who surreptitiously slips into a gathering, the Winter Solstice will take center stage, and we will experience the shortest day of the year, and actually or metaphorically, endure our longest, darkest night of 2018.

Saying it this way illuminates the stark reality of our vulnerability to the impact of the seasons and their weather.

Winter makes plain that we are bare to the elements — a ground that can feel hard as steel and trees that are as naked as we are when we first come into this world.

The elements are not ours to control, but if we attune our rhythm to the natural cycle of things, our daily rituals stand watch — combating winter dry skin woes — empowering us 2Be, in the words of Goethe, “the decisive element.”

“I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal…”

If what he said about how our personal approach creates our true climate, and that our daily mood makes the weather, then the true gift of luxury we can give ourselves starts with generously giving our attention to the menial but necessary everyday tasks you perform — like the simple act of caring for your body.

Our daily moods may create weather, but our lives unfold where we live: in our bodies. And we can ground ourselves in its natural flow and solace.

So take your time and be generous with your attention — with just 5 glorious minutes focused on the act of showering, soaking or moisturizing, you’ll transform your rushed labors into healing rituals, empowering ‘YOU 2Be’ the decisive element and the very healing tool you need.

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  • Charla Jones

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